impetus for JPBM’s request to make this presentation was PCAST’s
to Excel
report (see my column from March
1, 2012).
While there is much in this report with which the mathematical
community disagrees, especially the implication that mathematicians
are not engaged in trying to improve undergraduate education, it was
quickly decided that a positive message would be most productive. We
told the Council that we appreciate the attention they have drawn to
undergraduate mathematics education, we assured them that our
community is actively seeking ways to improve the teaching and
learning of post-secondary mathematics, and we offered to work with
PCAST as we move forward.
was a great deal of preparation in the months leading up to the
presentation. It would be impossible to overstate the importance of
role in making this happen. He has been a strong friend of the
mathematical community, helping to ensure that our voice is heard. It
was through his efforts that the July meeting was made possible. I
also must emphasize the role that David
played in helping to refine our message and coordinate the
preparation of our presentations. I had hoped and expected that he
would be included in those making the presentation to PCAST.
Unfortunately, he was cut from the list of proposed speakers.
of all four mathematical societies helped to develop our position
statement, which was distributed to PCAST in advance of the meeting
and is available on the web as Meeting the Challenges of Improved Post-Secondary Education in the Mathematical Sciences.
It includes a substantial appendix describing many of the activities
of the JPBM societies that are directed toward the improvement of
undergraduate mathematics education, the provision of evidence of
what works, and the encouragement of widespread adoption of
approaches to teaching and learning that are known to improve student
outcomes. Following is the one-page opening statement from this
document, written by Eric Friedlander, David Levermore, and myself
and created with extensive feedback from and ultimate endorsement by
the leadership of all four societies.
We greatly appreciate the engagement of PCAST in the challenges of post-secondary mathematics education. A key finding of the 2012 PCAST Engage to Excel report is that mathematics education is a critical component of all undergraduate STEM degrees. We share this perspective of mathematics education as an enabler of STEM careers, provider of broad mathematics literacy, and shaper of the next generation of leaders in our increasingly technological, data-driven, and scientific society.
The report also found that current deficiencies in mathematics learning are partly driving the loss of STEM majors in the early college years. We acknowledge many of the shortcomings highlighted by the report. The wake-up call delivered by PCAST has sharpened the awareness of the mathematical sciences community of the need for intensive, broad-scale efforts to address these problems. We emphasize that efforts by a great many in the mathematical sciences community predated PCAST's report, that progress is being made, and that plans are in place to broaden these to a community-wide effort.
Our task is to encourage and help lead constructive actions that will address the difficult and varied challenges facing post-secondary education in the mathematical sciences. How should mathematics educators improve developmental education in order to enable students to aspire to STEM careers? How should mathematical scientists in colleges and universities augment their cooperative efforts with “partner disciplines” to best serve the needs of students needing basic university mathematics? How should mathematical sciences departments reshape their curricula to suit the needs of a well-educated workforce in the 21st century? How can technology be best used to serve educational needs?
These questions must be answered in the context of a changing landscape. There are growing disparities in the preparation of incoming students. A third of all undergraduate mathematics students are enrolled in precollege level mathematics. At the other extreme, almost 700,000 high school students in the US completed a course of calculus this past year. The mathematical sciences themselves are changing as the needs of big data and the challenges of modeling complex systems reveal the limits of traditional curricula.
The NRC report The Mathematical Sciences in 2025 eloquently describes the opportunities and challenges of this shifting landscape. This report should serve as a springboard for initiatives in mathematics education that more closely intertwine the learning of mathematics with the appreciation of its applications. However, the mathematical community alone cannot bring about the scale of changes called for in Engage to Excel. Building on all the activities in mathematics education underway or that have arisen as a result of the PCAST report, we ask for PCAST’s help in promoting greater awareness, collaboration, and cooperation among all of the scientific disciplines who are working to prepare the STEM workforce of the future.